Road X-ings

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? -Because he didn't had the guts!

Why did the chicken cross the road? -To get on the other side.

Why didn't the chicken cross the road again? -Because the skeleton was standing there.

Why did the snails cross the road? -Because they were afraid that the skeleton would pick them up and use them as his 'guts'.

Why did the skeleton cross the road? -Because he saw the snails on the other side and wanted to use them to cross the road.

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road again? -He felt fine with the fact that he crossed the road once already.

Moral of these road X-ings: skeletons need a reason to cross a road.

Why did the man cross the road? -Because he felt like it.

Why did his wife follow him across the road? -Because she needed money from him.

Why didn't the man cross the road after his wife took his money? -Because he had no reason to cross it.

Why did the child cross the road? -Because I said so.

Why didn't anybody cross the road? -Because there wasn't a road nearby!

Everything on this page is copyright © 1999 by Faruk Ates. All rights reserved.
That means: please don't take my work without asking! Revised: 11 apr 1999.

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