
"What? You're not a lucky cricket? And what are you? A sheep?" ~Eddy Murphy as Mushu in Mulan.

"Are you driving with your eyes open, or are you like, using the force?" ~Eddy Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop 2.

"Luke, I am your father!" ~Darth Vader.

"Meet the twins: bleeghaaap and Bob." ~Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black.

"Eureka!" ~Isaac Newton, when he discovers the law of gravity (supposedly).

"Would you stop looking at me? Watch the road!" ~(a deaf) Gene Wilder.
"Ok, if that makes you feel better!" ~(a blind) Richard Pryor driving a car in See no evil Hear no evil.

"Still trying to save the world?" ~Bill Murray. "Still trying to control it?" ~Karen Allen, in the movie Scrooged.

"For England James!" ~006 in GoldenEye.

"Where's that stairs going to?" ~Bill Murray. "It appears to be going up..." ~Dan Akroyd, Ghostbusters.

"Well that would just be too easy, wouldn't it?! No, he wants me to sit up here
wondering if he knows that I know that he knows that I know that he know's
I'm up here knowing what he knows! I just know it!" ~Oogie Wisham (Baldur's Gate)

"Solid rusted metal Batman!" "Huh?" "It's solid rusted metal!" "Oh..." ~Chris o'Donnel and Val Kilmer.

"Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life." ~Herbert Henry Asquith

"Strong is not the one that abuses his strength to gain control over another, but strong is the one that exerts his strength to control his temper." ~Islam, Hadith

"Nature has enough to support everyone, but too little to satisfy the greed of some." ~Mahatma Gandhi

Latin Quotes

Everything on this page is copyright © 1999 by Faruk Ates. All rights reserved.
That means: please don't take my work without asking! Revised: 11 apr 1999.

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