to the KuraFire HeadQuarters. This is my Home. You are visitor no. to my wonderous HQ since it's birth on 01-01-'99. Thank you. I wish you a very pleasant stay on the KuraFire HeadQuarters. Oh, and please view or even sign my guestbook. Thank you very much. If you want, you can view my old guestbook here! CLICK HERE to add yourself to the KFHQ mailing list for free, so you'll be notified of any updates by E-mail! |
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Disclaimer: Final Fantasy 7 ® is a registered trademark ® and all it's components are owned by Squarsoft™. All the fanfics and stories are owned by me, unless written by someone else. All the images on the KuraFire HeadQuarters are also owned by me. If you want to use any of those images please ask me nicely. 99% of the time you'll get the clearance to use that image, as I am not greedy or anything. The Mystery of the Sectors © is copyrighted to me, and me alone. It is my book and I will sue you if you copy or steal anything from it! I have the right to sue you if you plagiarise any part of my book or whatsoever, so I advise you not to do that. Beside, you won't get away with it in the long term anyway, so don't steal my work! Thank you for following these rules. If you don't follow them, you will have to face the consequences yourself! Faruk Ates. |
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